I am sick of it now to tell you the truth. I usually love the rain, but it it getting on my nerves now. At the start of the week, the humidity was about 100 percent, really!!!! The heat was unbearable and everyone, even the Koreans, were complaining about it. Everywhere you went or stayed, turned you into a sweat machine.
The bit of good news now is that the humidity has gone, but the damn rain is still going. It rains then it stops for 5 or 10 mins and then proceeds to piss down again.
Anyone that knows me knows that I hate umbrellas. I hate carrying them, holding them and most of all LOSING them! I hate walking here in Korea when it rains because there are so many people who have umbrellas. Actually every single person has an umbrella.
I am just the right height to get poked in the side of the head quite frequently! People in Korea, as you all know if you read my blog regularly, are not aware of their personal space and don't use their peripheral vision. So I am a bulls-eye for all of them, like on a dart board or on the shirt below.

Speaking of bulls-eyes, this pic of Jessica Simpson is enough to make any normal hot blooded male cry. What a body and what a great look. If only the brain was at the same ratio as her outer appearance. I guess it is true; you can't have everything, looks and brains. I am sure she is not suffering financially from the lack of brains, but personally, I think that is what her and her hubby split up over. He was a bad tempered sod and she was just a blonde dummy.
I often get these types of funny pics and things from my Mum and Dad. They are in the same vein of thought as other people of the same age as them, I guess? They will read my comments and say, "Cheeky bastard our Paul isn't he?"
It's true though, they are a little obsessed with the getting old thing...... haha! I hope I am in as good a shape as they are now, when I am in my 60's though! I just got a few pics of them from Newfoundland where they went on a trip. They look great and look as happy as ever or should I say my Dad looks as mental as ever.
Now you know where I get the crazy personality from; both of them are to blame. All kidding aside though, I am thankful that they have given me the gift of laughter throughout my life. It has helped me through some awful personal times and gave me hope always for my future. Thanks Jimmy and Irene!
Not much else to blog about at the moment other than the rain, but I am sure there will be some more stories to come. Never a dull moment that is for sure!
The woman is leaving tomorrow morning. She is packed and ready to go. Time for another era in my life without a woman, thank you. More about that once she is gone. Keep you all tintulated about that future blog.
I just saw the forecast for this week and at the same time remembered another song with "Rain" in it..remember the song "The forecast calls for rain"? by the way, rain most of this week..better buy another umbrella
I was watching the weather forecast earlier and remembered another song with 'rain' in it..remember the song "Forecast calls for rain"? by the way, rain all this week again..better buy another umbrella!
i think i sent the same comment twice!! do you still have that thing on there going to your e-mail first?
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