Most of the kids that I teach have to tell me how the weather is outside and it is good practice in the class to get them saying it is raining again.
Most of the Korean kids hate the rain as there is very little grass to play on and all the dirt playgrounds get washed out when it rains.
Dave told me today that he was getting lunch and it was raining a little. Once he came out of the shop, the rain was actually coming through the umbrella. It was that heavy!!!!!
I see on the news again that there are parts of Seoul that are badly flooded and some roads washed out and lots of property damage.
I am sick of the rain to tell you the truth and that is pretty unusual as I am an avid lover of the rain most of the time. I just feel like it cleans everything and renews the earth's spirit. But in such long doses like we have been getting, it is overkill central.
The weather forecast email that I got from my Dad, pretty well sums up what we think of our weather sometimes.

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