Today started off quite well, but by the end of the night, it was a little frustrating. All in all, I had a good night and I didn't drink!
I met Dave at Samsung Plaza and we went to Dublin's, the local bar of ours that we frequent on the weekend. It is owned by a real Irishman who is a rock reclamation salesman most of the time, travelling around the planet. He does however own the bar together with a Korean woman. By the way, you cannot own any business here in Korea unless there is a Korean partner with you.
Last time Joe the Irishman, was off in Katar doing his salesbidding and the like. Anyway, back to the story. We were in Dublins and shooting the breeze as such when Dave asked me if I wanted to go to another place that we always go that has food and drink. It is called Dukobbee in Korean, which means frog.
It is really reasonable and not a bad atmosphere. Well, when Dave asked me to go, I thought he meants like in the next 10 mins or so. Well, he meant like right away.
That is where the story stems from. The two friends we were going to the other place are Chris and a Korean girl Rayon who we hang out with frequently when we are out around Dublins. Chris and Rayon and another girl Sunny who is the Korean owner's sister at Dublin and Dave hang out quite a lot.
They wanted to get going asap, which they have done before. They will not even wait for you to finish your drink and sometimes they don't even say goodbye when they leave. It has happened on several occassions and I didn't say anything at that time.
Well, tonight I brought it to Chris and Rayon's attention that they have bad manners whenever they leave, especially tonight as Rayon was waving Dave to hurry up and leave Dublins to go to the next place. They both were not happy about it, but I had to say something and I also mentioned about them not saying goodbye when the go home or leave the bar.
Anyway, that drama was over and we walked towards Dukobee. On our way there the discussion was still going and there were no hard feelings and I certainly wasn't angry and neither were they.

Once we got walking, Dave and another fellow Matt who had joined us, decided to go to another place called Monkey Beach. I hate the place on the weekends as it is mad packed busy and people bump into you and elbow you and the like.
Rayon, Chris and I decided to carry on to the Dokobee place, which is literally a 5 min walk from Monkey Beach. We got in there and we ordered a little food and they ordered some beer. I was not drinking, so I just had some water.
Dave came back about 15 mins later and said it was packed and had lots of girls, but that some of the crowd in there were a little obnoxious. We all had a good gab at the table and the night continued.
Then later on after about an hour or so, I was speaking some Korean and Rayon decided to correct me on my pronunciation, which she has done a little in the past. Not necessarily correcting, but trying to get me to say it perfectly like a Korean, which is never gonna happen. So I turned the tables on her and asked her to say something in English. When she said something, I said the same thing like no that is not correct. I then told her that expecting me to sound like a Korean was never gonna happen and vice versa with her in English. I wasn't the slightest bit angry, but was just making a point.
She had a bit of a face on her then. I think me telling her previously that she had bad manners maybe had a bit to do with it too. Like I care!!!!! It didn't end there as Sunny had shown up by this time and we were all shooting the breeze. Rayon then said something in Korean to Sunny, thinking I wouldn't understand. I understood alright and it was something to the effect that she was tired of me always being RIGHT!
I was pissed off royally by this point and told her that her problem was that she didn't like to admit she was wrong and that what she did was very bad manners. I wanted to smack her to tell you the truth.... well not literally. Anyway, she got a cob on and I didn't give a shit at all. I was very adamant about my opinion and that what she had done was wrong.
Sunny was making up excuses for her like she was tired and blah blah blah. I wasn't having it though. There were a few instances in the past too when Rayon had been rude to me and to some other people. I think she has just gotten away with lots of thins and people haven't pulled her up on it. Well, I did anyway.
Earlier today one of the Korean teachers had clicked his fingers at me to come outside of the classroom and it was in front of the kids as well. I didn't get angry, but told him that it was considered bad manners to click your fingers at someone in Western culture. That was the end of that and Matt was cool with it. Again though, a cultural divide.
Rayon ended up leaving in a huff as such. Sunny was apologetic and said that she was just tired blah blah blah. I told Sunny that Rayon needs to teach herself better manners and that it wasn't the first time that she had offended me as such. It was the whole thing in Korean that set me off. Before that I was just laughing things off and not in an angry state at all. Once she did that thing though, I saw my arse with her and wanted her to piss off. Didn't stress me out at all. We all carried on having a conversation when Rayon left about movies and gun control etc.....
Anyway, that is my spiel for the night. It was a bit of a saga, but not that frustrating.
I have still not drank and I won't for a while to come yet. I went to the gym tonight and ran for one hour. I also ended my fast tonight at Dokobee after 44 hours. It was the social aspect of being out that made me eat something. You can't sit there and not be drinking and eating. Whose a mong then!!!!!
Goodnight, sweet dreams and let's get up and get at 'em tomorrow morning with renewed spirit and vim and vigour..... ye all!!!!!!
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