So we decided on what type of system I wanted and a bargain price, a really good price and presto! I am going to have a new system.
I thought it would be ready by the weekend or a little later, but I got a call from Derrick today, saying the computer would be ready by 9pm tonight!!! I was chuffed to say the least and best of all, he is going to deliver it.
No more praying like these two below that my computer doesn't crash anymore!!!!!!

The new system has a 160G hard drive as well as two sticks of 512 Ram. It should be lightning fast and as Derrick said, "It is turning into a little beast now!" I can't wait for tonight to start checking it out and start copying all my cds to the hard drive. I have almost 800 after all. I want to put them all on the hard-drive as I can play them through one of the media players and it will shuffle and continious play for as long as I want. I figure it is going to take me at least 3 to 4 weeks of constant copying to get them done.
The new pc also has a cd/dvd burner and it is a good one! I can burn photos, burn cds and dvds at my own leisure. Derrick said the new pc is about a 4 year jump from what I was using on my laptop because the laptop was in such bad shape and so so slow.
Below is a pic from my trip last December to see Liverpool in the World Club Championship. I had a great time apart from the really badly injured elbow, which I had done a week before we left. We all dressed up in Kamakaze headbands and the traditional housecoats, so we looked really Japanese. We got tons of pics taken with Japanese people inside and outside the stadium.
One of the other reasons that I put this pic on is because tonight, 4am our time here, Liverpool are playing Maccaibi Haffa in the first leg of the qualifying for the Champions League at Anfield. I get to watch it live on my new pc too as I have an e-season ticket with Liverpool and they are offering free live video for the game tonight. I will sit back with my new pc and watch it in all its glory and with my surround sound system that cost 40 dollars about 2 months ago, complete with sub-woofer. I got that from Derrick too. He is turning out to be a boss fella and very reliable also.
I am at work right now, in between breaks doing the speaking tests and marking essays from the Korean teachers tests for the kids. It is fun having the tests as the kids are one on one with you. They are a bit nervous, but I get them calmed down, fast style. I like the speaking tests. One of the nice relaxing parts of working at Avalon. We also have speaking tests tomorrow and the morning classes also don't get taught tomorrow, but we have to mark essays for them while we are here.
There is also a holiday coming up on Tuesday, August 15th. We do have to come in for 2 morning classes though. That is a huge deal right now at some of the other campuses. The teachers are saying that it is a public holiday and that we shouldn't have to come in and it should be voluntary. Some of them are even going so far as to say they are not going to come in. However, if we come in for 2 classes, Avalon are going to give us one extra day in October during Chusok, which is the Korean Thanksgiving. Not a bad deal if you ask me for 3 hours work, you get one day off?
Haven't been to the gym all week. Haven't been feeling well all week, however today I felt a lot better. I have been going to bed early and taking it easy. I have decided to take the whole week off and reload my ammunition for the weekend and then go hard at the gym. I am however, still eating very healthy. My weight is staying constant and I am not gaining any inches, which is important.
Yippee for PC to get a new pc!!!!
Yippee for PC to get a new pc!!!!
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