First of all I had to post this picture of my 2nd cousin who I have never met. He is the son of my first cousin, Michael Laski and of course this is Michael Laski Jr. He just graduated as a Marine Commando and the family in England are all so proud of him. Unfortunately, he is going to be shipped to Afghanistan in the next little while, which is not the safest of places to be at the moment with the damn warlords and the other crazy factions within the country, trying to get a strangelhold of the people by sheer force. The wonderful "Taliban" are still at large and that can spell only one thing; pure and utter ignorance and mind control. I wish Michael all the best and hope his experience there will shape him for the future and he returns back a better man for having done his military duty there.
Now on to me. The last two days have literally been the worst two days of my life for a long long time. I honestly thought there was something seriously wrong with me. It all started last Thursday, when I woke up with a sore throat and felt a little shaky.
People at work on Thursday night said that my face was really red and that I looked a little sick. My bloodpressure was up a bit and I felt okay, but a little tired. I woke up Friday morning and felt okay, but a little under the weather.
Friday night I went to the Jimjilbang as I mentioned in a previous post. Woke up Saturday morning. Did my usual Saturday stint and still did not feel good. My blood pressure was up a little again, but I went to the gym and ran for 40 minutes, which I think may have been a mistake. I had a sauna, but felt much better after, to tell you the truth.
Then I stayed home all Saturday night, watched some football and played on the computer all night. Went to bed feeling a little shaky, but not that bad.
Woke up Sunday morning and felt like someone had beaten me with a baseball bat. All my joints ached and I had a fever and had trouble catching my breath at times. I went out once and did my usual Sunday stint and then went back home. I called Caroline, the Korean girl that I was supposed to learn Korean from that day and asked her if she knew of any hospitals that were open, as I was feeling really bad. She ended up telling me there was one close to my school. I went there, but they told me it was an Oriental medicine hospital. At that point, I didn't care, I just wanted something to make me feel better.
The doctor didn't even check my ears or throat. Put a thermometer in my ear and pushed my abdomen a little and said, "catched a cold." He said that they did not have 'real' medecine, but could prescribe some oriental stuff. I said okay, what the hell. It was only about 15 bucks for the 'check up' and the stuff he gave me. He was not a doctor as far as I was concerned. Just a 'quack.'
I got home about 3pm and called Caroline to cancel the class. I was just too sick. I slept from the that time until Dave came over. The Chelsea vs Liverpool game was on that night and I knew that I could listen to it live on my pc. Dave planned to come over about 9.30 or so when it started.
Needless to stay, I wasn't great company, but I tried to shoot the shit and listen in earnest to the match, but kept coming in and out of sleep. I had eaten about 4pm, the last time that I would in over 2 and a half days!!!! Dave left about 12 or so during the Tottenham game. I barely remember him leaving as it was like a dream....... so dizzy and such a high fever.
Monday I woke up and felt even worse. I didn't have the energy to go to a 'real' doctor even though it was only across the street. The headache had been with me for the last 2 days.
Anyway, cuttting the story short, I slept for almost 20 odd hours, went to work on the Monday and worked with no breaks, my typical Monday. I went to the sauna again and felt a little better.... so I thought.
I woke up this morning and thought I was dying. I was dizzy, disorientated and had my head banging out a beat louder than a hip-hop concert. I managed to drag myself across the street to the doctor at 9am. I was the first one there. I got in there and he told me I had a really bad case of laryngitis mixed with tonsilitis. Shit!!!!!!
I got a shot in the arse and then the doctor gave me antibiotics for the next 5 days. I went home and slept 2 hours, thinking that I was not going to work. I woke up at 12.30 or so and my headache was gone and my heartrate down. I felt a thousand percent better than the last 2 days. I decided to go to work and here I am typing this on my last break. I taught 3 classes and I finally ate this afternoon at 3.30pm. Then I ate again at 8.30pm.
I still feel a little weak, but oh my god, I feel like a new person now. I have some energy still. Amazing how a real doctor knows what he is doing..... literally two hours and I felt better and it was not in my mind either. I felt it, otherwise I would not have gone to work and been able to eat.
One of my students yesterday told me the same thing. On Sunday, she couldn't talk, but went to the doctor. She slept all day, had the shot in the arse like me and then on Monday she was fine.
I have a high tolerance for pain, I know that for sure. From breaking my two front teeth when I was 11 or so, to getting ear operations and then a tooth taken out the roof of my mouth..... stitches galore, doing my nerve in last Winter and on and on and on. This thing had me beaten though.......
When I say pain tolerance, that is exactly what I mean. I am no tough guy, but only cave in when I have no other choice. I always try to fight things with my own defences, but in life there are times when you cannot. This was one of them and in the future, I will go to the doctor a lot earlier, if the symptoms are the same as these.
I was spitting up some ugly stuff for the last couple of months, so maybe the last time that I had a sore throat, it wasn't completely cleared up. I should have got it checked out at that time instead of waiting for it to become a really bad infection like now........
I am feeling okay like I said. My throat is a little sore, but I am off to the sauna again tonight. The doctor said that would be good for me, of course.
So a word of warning to all you sensible people. Waiting to go to the doctor is okay, but sometimes it can backfire on you. Don't let this happen to you......... hehehe.