It was one of the happiest days of my life, but a little worriesome as he was born with a little bit of a breathing problem. It cleared up after 2 days in ICU and ended up being minor, but the doctors were very careful about it and everything turned out fine.
Tylers and I have had a very difficult relationship ever since I left his mother. I am not going to go into it because it really is not very important to myself or him or anyone else for that matter. Suffice to say there have been hurdles to jump over, go around and knock down along the way.
There are no more hurdles. I talk to him every weekend and have a fairly good relationship with him despite the fact that I am not physically with him all the time. I talked to him today for about 40 minutes and we shot the shit about music and cars and school and his girlfriend of 2 years! He is driving and working and really living a normal 19 year old's life. That is good and I am very happy for him.
He is now legal age and once I go home next Winter, dad and son will be going out for a pint, that is for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know that I have not mentioned him a lot in my blog and sometimes it is better not to say too much about pain in your life when it is too real. Don't get me wrong, I have no more pain, only regrets that I wish he could have had a normal life with his mum and dad together, like a normal family is supposed to be.
It wasn't meant to be and I don't beat myself up about it anymore. I am just happy that he and I are talking and have about as normal a relationship as we can now. I am sure it will get better and better in the future, now that he is a young man and able to make his own choices.
I knew that the time would come, but it has been a long time waiting........ I enjoy talking to him and wished him the happiest of birthdays today...... 19 years old! Wow, I am that old? Haha..................

One of his favourite shows growing up was 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.' He had every figure going and saw all the movies and cartoons. I used to even act out the turtles with him. I still remember all the names; Donatello, Michelangelo, Leonardo and Rafael. Donatello had the purple head band, Michelangelo the orange, Rafael the red and Leonardo the blue.
If I remember rightly, Donatello had the numchucks, Rafael the swords, Leonardo the big stick and Michelangelo the whatever...... can't remember...... hehe. Not a bad memory though!
This picture is of the first ever 'public bath' known in the Western world. It was actually in Liverpool, on Upper Frederick Street. It was built to allow access for people to wash their clothes and themselves with sanitary water.
It was Catherine "Kitty" Wilkinson's revolutionary idea who had previously opened her house to allow people to have baths and to have clean water to wash their clothes.
The authorities cited it as a way to prevent disease from spreading by allowing people to have access to clean, sanitary water.
It must be in my blood because I love the public baths here in Korea. They are such a part of their culture and really non-existent in North America or parts of Europe, unless you are into the gay culture.

I was as sick as a dog on Friday. I had the shakes, a sore throat and generally just felt like I had been hit by a baseball bat all over my body.
Dave and I decided to go to another public bath across from the one where we usually go as it also had a 'Jimjilbang.' To those of you who do not know what that is, it is another phenomenon of the Korean culture.
It is on the lines of a sauna, but everyone wears shorts and a top, women and men and there are rooms of different temperatures and with different substances in them. For example there are salt rooms and ice rooms and other stuff that I don't know. They are coals of course and the smell is supposed to help clear your sinuses and chest and other ailments that you might have.
There are also mats and slabs to sleep on. There are computers that are 1 dollar for a half hour and a place to have snacks. Lots of families go there to just chill out. There are really hot rooms and medium temperature rooms and also even an ice room with ice walls or something a lot cooler than the other rooms. It is quite a big place and this one even had a small gym attached to the Jimjilbang part of the building. All this for just 5 dollars.
Everyone gets dressed in the sauna part of the place just like any other gym or public bath. We had a shower and a sauna just before we put our clothes on and walked up the stairs to the "Jimjilbang."
Everyone has the same clothes. For example the women had pink shorts and tops and the men had white shorts and white tops. They are not the most flattering clothes, but we are not going there to be in a fashion show. Most people go there to chill out and sit in the rooms and then cool off, have a nap, back into the rooms, nap again and then back to the changing rooms to have a shower and a public bath again.
Dave and I got there about 11pm and left about 2am. I really felt bad before I went, but when I left I felt a lot better and slept a lot better than usual. I woke up feeling like shite again, but once again, I pushed myself to go to the gym and ran 5km in 40 mins, I know slow, but better than nothing. Then I spent a good half an hour again in the sauna and steam room and cold baths. I left there feeling much better. I still have a little bit of a sore throat, but can feel the difference after I went to the public bath.
I came home and went shopping for some veggies. I bought some broccoli, carrots, garlic, mushrooms, potatoes and some curry beef sauce. I cut them all up and boiled them with some salt and pepper and curry powder for about an hour. Then I added the curry beef sauce. It was a nice dish, I must say so myself and very very healthy.
I am watching the Reading vs Sheffield football match on t.v. They are showing it because Sol Ki Hyon plays for Reading. The score is 2-0 for Reading with about 55 mins gone. They are playing well, but I have not been watching that much of it to tell you the truth.
I am going to bed now and going to try and have a good nights sleep. Thoughts of my son going through my head and wishing I could be there celebrating with him. Oh well, the future is always full of hope and ambition....... had a lot of emails about that stuff lately.
I am going to start Korean lessons with Caroline tomorrow, hopefully!!!
Liverpool vs Chelsea is the early game, Tottenham is the second game and Man U vs Arsenal is the third game. All the games should be on here; Chelsea have Samsung as their sponsor. Man U have Ji Sung Park and Tottenham have Yong Pyo Lee.
Liverpool game starts at 8.45pm our time here. Come on ye Reds.................................
Raphael had the 3-pointed weapon!
You do have a good memory,it just doesnt last too long....
YOU HAVE A 19 YEAR OLD SON! You old get!! You look good though....
Hope Tyler had a good day!
Love you lots,miss you lots
hope that all works out and gets better and better in the coming years. you should get him to come teach with you, show him a thing or two... that would be heavy, huh?
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