Last time I was at the Bathurst Street yard was December, 1999. I had quit the City of London after almost 15 years of service...... never to look back........only to look to the future that was so bright and looming.
Well, I decided today to go and visit some of the fellas that I used to work with. It was fun to see their faces and reactions when I walked into the yard. It was awesome!!!!! Some were cool and some just didn't give a shit.........lol.

Mike, my ex-boss, looks the same and looks great. He was always good to me and I like to think likewise that I was good to him. His pic is below.

I also met up with a few other guys. The pic below is of Rob, on the left and Ulises on the right. I started at the City with Rob back in April, 1985. Great guy and total family man. He is a grandfather now. His eldest son is 27 and youngest 17. He got married really young and also has a middle child, not sure of the age though. Ulises is a good friend of mine; more about him a little later.

Next guy is Rob who I met when I was only 17 at a gym that I started working out at. He was only 14 at the time, but ended up working at the City years later. I knew his dad who sadly died a few years back. My sister Jackie used to chum around with Rob's cousin, Rita. Small world eh?

Next one is of Darryl, the backhoe operator. Had some good discussions with him in the past.............life and love etc.,

Ulises is a good friend of mine and he is orginally from Chile. Emigrated here with his family in the 80's. He is a great guy and I coached his son Alejandro in soccer at the same time as my son. Tyler and him are the same age. Ulises also has a daughter, Pamela who is a French major, Spanish minor at university. She is studying right now in Cincinnati for the next 4 years, I think in physical rehabilitation.

I met a woman at the bus-stop who asked me what time it was. I noticed a little accent, so I asked her where she was originally from. She told me that she was from Guatemala. A very nice lady and we small talked for a little while. I spoke some Spanish to her and told her that a good friend of mine was from Chile, Ulises Neira.
She repeated the name to me and then asked me if he had a son. I said yes and that his name was Alejandro. You won't believe this; her daughter's boyfriend is Alejandro, Ulises' son! What a small world eh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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