Here is Dad modelling his new turtle-neck sweater...... haha.

Yesterday morning I went to breakfast with my Dad and met some of his friends that I know and some that I didn't know. It is a nice breakfast, but the only drawback is that it was at 7.30am......I don't mind getting up that early once in a while though.
There are some pics of his friends below. The fella in the first picture is Bent who is originally from Denmark.

The next pic is of all of the fellas that we were sitting with. My Dad is closest on the left and next to him is a fella called Steve, I think!!! Opposite him at the other end of the table is Geoff who by the way reads my blog regularly. My Dad gave him my blog address a while back and he told me that he finds it very interesting.......either that or just thinks I am
Next to him is John and then Bent again. We all just talked about the weather and they asked me lots of things about Korea, which I gladly informed them of. Bent told me about his daughter doing her Masters in nursing and we talked about education and kids and other life related stuff.

After breakfast it was off to Tim Horton's to meet the R.O.M.E.O's as mentioned in one of my earlier pictures. Below is a good picture of all of them.

After that it was so cold outside that I didn't want to do anything. Well, that soon changed when I shovelled the HUGE horseshoe driveway that my Mum and Dad live at.

It took me just on an hour to do it and I was nackered after it. It was a good workout though and I felt good to sweat. It was so cold though that for the rest of the day, I did not want to move.

Well, Mum, Dad and I watched the Arsenal vs Bolton F.A.Cup match, which turned into a thriller despite the fact that Arsenal missed a penalty in regulation time, missed 2 absolute sitters and then Bolton scored to equalize in the 92nd minute.
Arsenal went on to extra time to score a goal and then miss another penalty and right at the end scored an open goal to make it 3-1. By all rights Arsenal should have won about 6-1.
The original plan at night was to go to Old Chicago's as they have a salsa, merengue night. Ulises had the original plan, so that was where we were headed for the night.
Dave got in late on Tuesday night, so I called him on Wednesday. He was lucky to get in as the airport was shut down the next morning due to the snowstorm. This is a funny pic of Dave wearing one of his old pair of sunglasses that Bob had brought from their old house wayback when he moved.

I told him about the plan, but also we had agreed to meet Bob and Sean and hang out with them for while and then head to Old Chicago's together. I took over a 26er of vodka and Bob had some beers. Here's a pic of Sean's tattoo, which is of the "Clash." He is very proud of it and wanted to show

Below is a picture of Sean with long hair and then with shorter hair. He took it upon himself to cut his hair once he had been drinking. He was sick of the long hair and decided enough was enough.

The next pic is after he cut his hair.... He looks like a madman!!!!!

We had a good chat together and Bob's friend Erica showed up too. We all just sat around and talked and laughed.
Ulises called and said that he had been out plowing for the City, the place where he works.
He didn't finish until 11.45 and called me to say so. I told him that he should go home and get some sleep and we could hang out or go to Old Chicago's another time.
A little later we all decided to go to Scot's Corner. We headed there and it was quite dead. Dave and I had a few more drinks and then at closing time we headed to Mac's Milk and then got a taxi to our opposite ways home.
It ended a good night, but it is still weird how everywhere shuts down. We are not used to that, as in Korea, nothing ever shuts down that early. By their standards, 3 or 4am is normal shutdown time except on the weekends when you can stay out until 8 or 9am drinking.
Today I woke up at 11am. Mum and Dad treated me to lunch. I had fish 'n' chips, can't remember what they had. Dad had soup, Mum had ???? Aren't I terrible. Duh, duh, duh is more like it.......
Then we went to Home Depot and Mark's Work Warehouse as Mum and Dad wanted to buy me a 'hoodey.' I ended up buying two long sleeved shirts, 2 turtle-neck sweaters and 3 hoodeys. Mum and Dad bought me a sleevless hoodey and a regular hoodey and I bought the rest. For 2 shirts, 2 turtle-necks and a hoodey it was 51 dollars.... ridiculous prices.
The shirts were 4.99 each as were the turtle-necks. Unbelievable prices this time of year. I told the girl that they were 'giving away' stuff.
A pic of Home Depot. Look at the amount of things that they sell!!!!!!

Another pic of Home Depot. It is the new one that has opened up in London East. It is massive and I just wanted to take a few pics to show the sheer size of the place and the array of items that they sell.

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