Dave and I agreed to meet up with Wayne once we got back from Ottawa, which would be sometime on Friday. Wayne is from Manchester and a United fan of course. We always give each other stick about our fellow clubs, but it is all in good humour.

We all hung out at Rob's house for the night and talked about old times and relived some old stories and stuff that happened to us plus we caught up on each other's lives.

We ended up not leaving Rob's house and stayed there for the duration, going to bed about 3am. Hae Sook and Clement slept on Rob's bed and Rob and I took sides on the pullout couch, Dave slept on a chair.....again!!!!!!!!
The next morning we all woke up and went for breakfast. Hae Sook and Clement (below) decided that they were going to head home and that night we would go to Aylmer, Quebec, where Clement lives. Hae Sook was going to cook a traditional Korean meal for all of us.
Rob, Dave and I decided that we would go and watch the Liverpool vs Barcelona game somewhere.... after a nice hour and a half nap. We decided on this place called "Mingelwoods." It was great as they put the t.v. guide on the satellite and found the game was being played on the Quebec station 'RDS.' That was great as they other Canadian stations were not playing it at all!!!!!! This pic was taken at Wayne's house..... messing around with a top-hat on. I have 3 layers of clothes on, I am not that fat......lol.

The game was great and Liverpool ended up winning 2-1, away from home too. That means they have a great chance of progressing to the final 8 with a win in Liverpool. We will be there for the game although we won't have tickets. We will watch it close to the ground though to feel the atmosphere.
After the lunch and the game at Minglewoods, Rob asked us if we wanted to go to the Parliament Buildings. We said that would be a great idea, so we walked up there. It only took us about 15mins. It was quite mild compared to the last 2 weeks being in Canada.

We went into the House Of Commons, which was very cool. You can't take pictures or even a camera in there and we had to be searched and go through a detector twice before we got in there.

After the visit to Parliament Hill, we went back to Rob's and then grabbed the van and drove to Aylmer, Quebec to Clement's house. It only took about 20 mins. We ate there and Clement showed us around his house and some of his woodworking jobs and we ate dinner there.

We decided to leave as I could not drink and we also wanted to go out in Ottawa, as we didn't the night before. We said our goodbyes to Hae Sook and Clement and his family and headed back to Ottawa. Once we got back, we parked the van and headed into town to find a place to drink. It wasn't very busy at most places, but at least we were out and about and amongst people.
The night turned out to be quite regretful. Rob was really annoying Dave and I most of the night with his 'potty mouth,' which is how I referred to it as. He kept going on and on and I asked him on several occassions to stop it as he was annoying both of us. He really was not making any sense at all and was ruining our time for going out. We ended up having a falling out and Dave and I left his house at 2.30am!!!!!!
I just wanted to get out of his place and his company and chill out. Dave and I had not drank a lot and so we decided to head back to Oshawa, where we were going to visit my sister and her family later that day.
We left at about 2.40am and got into Oshawa at about 6.15am. We rented a room at Hotel 6 and checked out about 1pm. We then headed to my sister's house as Katie, my niece, was home.
We waited for my sister to come home with her husband as well as Jamie, my nephew, from school. My sister then cooked us a nice chicken meal and we sat around and chatted until about 7pm.
Dave had told a friend's sister in Korea that he would visit her in Mississauga, so we headed there, but unfortunatly, she was very busy at work and Dave just said hello to her and then we left to carry on back to London. We arrived back in London at about 10pm. I dropped off Dave at home and then headed back to my house.
I dropped the van off the next morning at 8am and then my Dad came and picked me up. I got home and went back to bed until about 12.30pm. I called Wayne up and he came over and picked me up and we hung out for the rest of the afternoon.
We went to his place and then later that evening decided to go see some indoor football and meet a few people that I hadn't seen in years. Later, Trina (below,) his girlfriend, met up with us there and we headed to "Robinson Hall," which is a pub/bar. We ended up staying there for a while and eventually Dave and I took seperate cabs home to our respective houses.

We are all up to date now. A lot of stuff accomplished, things gone awry, but a good time had. Travelled about 15oo kms in total and saw lots of 'barren' land.................so big and so few people, here in Canada. Amazes me why there are not more people here.
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