Due to the fact that I will be working for the Seoul Elementary School, they require a full medical exam.

So today, I went for the exam today. It was so funny though. The nurse went through the eye test and then a hearing test, I had a chest x-ray and the doctor tested my blood pressure and asked me the standard questions.

Here is what was so funny; after all the tests, but before the blood test, the nurse turned to me and gave me a paper coffee cup and took me to the door of the clinic, looked out and said, "toilet, go and fill this!"
I wanted to crack up. So here I was after filling this cup, walking down the hall passed loads of people with a nice cup of my pee in my hand, no lid on it either......lol.
Only in Korea, they say. I thought that the sealable urine containers were pretty well standard worldwide now? Anyway, I thought it was quite funny at the time and afterwards also, when she just took the cup off me and stuck one of those acidic or whatever testers they are called, in it.

That was the highlight of the day other than finding 40 dollars on the street, just laying there. I looked around and there was nobody in sight.....thank you very much. Paid for my subway pass for a few days and a nice lunch.
I am off to meet that Serbian girl, Mila and her friends. She invited me down to Bundang for a beer tonight with all of them. I couldn't say no now, could I?
Going to see Dave's new apartment first, then we will both go and meet them. Should be a good night. I am free for the next 2 days, no school until next week.
I was told that I should be going to Japan on April 25th to 26th, tentatively. Need to get some photos taken and then this Monday, I will be signing all the papers at the school to make everything legal eagles..............
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