Today I willed myself to get back into shape come hell or high water. We shall see how that goes! I for one hold no guarantees at the moment.
The elbow injury really put a damper on the last 5 months or so and I now feel like I have turned a corner and can get serious about getting back into shape. Like I said though, there are no guarantees and I don't feel like killing myself to get there at the moment.
I walked to work today for the first time. I wasn't sure how long it would take me, but told Kyoung Hee that I thought it would take 30 minutes. I left at 1.30pm to make sure, just in case I was way off in my estimations.

Well, I wasn't! It took me right on 30 mins, door to door. So, I arrived at school really early today, at like 2.00pm. Tomorrow I will leave my house at 2pm and get there at my usual time of 2.30. We don't officially start until 3pm and go until 10pm, but I like being there a little earlier and relaxing and getting my prep work done.
I walked home and it took right on 30 mins again. I am not walking at a fast pace, just normal speed. It was nice walking to school and then from school. The scenery is really nice and there are lots of trees and flowers and stuff on the way. I really enjoyed the walk to tell you the truth. Combine it with the fact that I was listening to my mp3, it was awesome. It is amazing how walking can make you think and really calm you down. I think most of us have forgotten how good a nice long walk is, don't you think?
Today is Monday, not much going on to speak of. Took it easy on Sunday and cleaned the house, bleached the bathroom and vacuumed the apartment from top to bottom. This place gets really dusty all the time, being that there are so many apts on top of each other and it is surrounded by main streets with cars moving on them all the time. I cleaned the tv and the rag was black! Not to mention the kitchen cupboards.
My girlfriend was out with a friend of hers that she has met here in Bundang, so I decided to be Mr. Mom. I told her not to get too used to it though..... haha. I meant it too!!! Why are you all laughing?
Oh, I almost forgot! Today was Teacher's Day in Korea. It is a big deal to the Koreans as they respect teachers very much in their culture. I actually got one flower from one of my students and a big chocolate bar from another. I also capped the day off by getting a big expensive bottle of after-shave off one of my favourite students, Sally.
She is such a great student and cute as a button as well. The Korean teacher that I share the class with actually said he was going to wait until she was old enough to get married! She is only 12, but really really cute and has a lovely disposition about her. She comes from a very good family, that is not hard to tell of course!
I enjoyed getting the presents and all the other teachers did also. There were cakes everywhere all day and cookies and flowers and gifts.
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