Stuart from Liverpool who I went to Tokyo with last December to see Liverpool in the World Club Championships, sent me this letter of reply that his aunt got back after having sent a letter to Liverpool Football Club. Amazing that Bill Shankly actually signed it himself ! Would that happen in today's society? I think not! A wonderful bit of history to share with all of you anyway.
Well the last 2 days are two days that I would rather forget. I felt like I was hit by a gigantic sucking vaccum that sucked the life right out of me. All I felt like doing was sleeping and my body ached like I had ran a marathon or something. By the way, the term 'marathon' means 26 miles or 42. something kms. I hate the way people are using it today to describe 5km and 10km runs.
" I am running a marathon this morning."
"Really, how long is that going to take you?"
"Oh, about 45 minutes!"
"What? Are you running a marathon?"
"No, I am doing a 10km run."

Then why not just say a 10k run then! Makes them sound special, I suppose. The 'real' marathon runners are somewhat belittled by your 'incorrect' statement about the marathon. Just my pet peeve right now, anyway.
Where was I? Oh, yeh, back to dying on my feet. I slept pretty well from 10.30pm to 12 noon everyday for the last 2 days. Did not exercise at all and just literally 'lounged around.'

I feel a little better now, say 50 percent. Also on top of that, I have started getting pain from my elbow again! I think it is getting better, but it seems to be getting the better or me lately!!!!
Not much else to speak of really other than this Friday is a national holiday; Children's Day! We have the day off work, with pay, which is cool. I am going to just laze around like the rest of this week. Nothing planned for the weekend. Just going to go for walks and eat well and rest well. This weekend will be a weekend at home for the first time since the Avalon camp and last weekend at Dan's wedding.
I have started to post some of the funny photos that I get from family and friends and also what I find on my surfing adventures. I hope you like them.
Look at this virus that the mouse picked up.... haha!!!!!
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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