Once every 5 weeks or so, Avalon school has a speaking test for all students of all levels. It really is a good idea as we, the teachers, get to see how the students are progressing with their English speaking skills, not to mention to see if they have studied or paid attention in the class. It is a culmination of the month's work and homework and essays.
The students are given two of the units from their reading books that have been previously studied and discussed. We then do a review on the two units and ask questions in class similar to the ones that they will be asked on the speaking test.
If the students pay attention then they are really doing the review about 3 times. If they don't listen and take notes, then they are lost when it comes to the speaking test.
All in all, it is quite enjoyable to be able to ask the students questions and get the feedback we need from the test, i.e. Where we need to improve in our teaching methods and what students need areas of improvement.
The pic at the top of the blog is of the main headquarters in Jongjadong and a few pics of what the school offers in the way of apartments; usually officetel styles now. Jongja only teaches middle-school students as apposed to us here in Sunae who teach elementary school students only. I like the young ones better to tell you the truth. I feel like I can make a difference to them and maybe inspire them to want to learn English in the future and actually get to like it!!!!!!!
The students also have written tests while they are having their speaking tests too. We have to mark some of the essays that are written in the classes as well as do the speaking tests. The workload is not bad at all and the essays are usually between 100-150 words. They are a summation of one of the two units that they were told to study. The Korean teachers do all the written tests and like I said the students are told to study the same two units both for the written and speaking test.
Today went well and most of the students did fine. I hope tomorrow that the students do as well as today. The kids are generally in good spirits during the speaking and written tests, which is nice to see. They seem more 'at ease!'
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
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