I am completely at a loss to understand why my gray hair is so stubborn! I am completely grey on the sides of my hair and I mean 'snow' white! Anyway, I bleached my hair two weeks ago and today decided to put a colour through it. I picked 'champagne blond!'
Wish me luck as they say! I am sitting here now, waiting for the colour to take to my hair. I leave it in for one hour and then hope that it went well. I don't give a shite to tell you the truth. I just want the gray on the sides to look a little more natural with the rest of my hair. that is my only concern. Life is tough when all you can worry about is the grey hair on the sides........haha.
Today is national voting day here in Korea. All the gov't places are closed, including the banks. All of the schools are closed as well as the private schools, except ours! We found out that if my school wasn't open today, they would have had to have refunded 30 dollars to each student. That is a lot of money times 7000. We are all a little pissed though, as they told us initially that we had the day off.
Everyone here takes voting very seriously hence the day off to perform your national duty. On another note we got a new teacher at our school. He is from the US and was knackered when we met him yesterday. He only arrived the night before, so he was bushed.
More bad news for Scott, one of our teachers. I will tell you the story briefly. His washing machine was on when he left the house and he got a call at school to say his apt was flooded. He got home and there was about 3 inches of water all over the floor. I guess one of the hoses or something was leaking. Anyway, an unfortunate accident and maybe in the future, don't leave your washing machine on when you leave. It is on the main floor by the way and the water leaked into the apt underneath also. So the story begins there and Scott is thinking to himself, if he will have to pay something or what will be the recourse.
So, Avalon send someone over to look at the floor damage and to look at the machine. They say that the machine is fine, but the floor has to be replaced as it is softwood that has buckled. Scott goes to do his washing again as they said the machine was fine and didn't need fixing. The apartment flooded again!!!! Scott was there this time. As he is cleaning up the water, he slips and breaks his toe! He also gets electrocuted as he is changing a light bulb in the bathroom. He turned the switch off but it still shocked him. Very dangerous too, as it is 22 volts here!
He is hobbling around with his foot in a small foot cast and paid about 100 dollars for the doctor's visit and his drugs. He then gets told yesterday at the end of the day that he has to pay for the whole cost of the floor; 800 dollars!!!!!!! He is pissed to say the least and is seriously thinking about quitting if something doesn't get resolved. The school has not even said they would maybe consider paying 50 percent even. This is a company that has oodles of money too.
The first time it flooded, it was an accident and maybe Scott could be blamed for leaving the washing machine on while he was gone, but how many times have we all done that! The second time was not his fault and Avalon should be blamed for their stupidness. They sad the machine didn't need fixing and it was okay to use. Anyway, the disturbing thing is that this could happen to any of the teachers involving different scenarios. What are we? Responsible for all the appliances breaking down now? I know it is a complicated issue, but it needs to get worked out asap. I feel so bad for Scott!!!!!!
The weather is hot today and I am now leaving to go to school. Wash my hair colour out and off I go. Adios!
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