Friday, November 24, 2006

Another Weekend Is Upon Us!

The project is slowly improving, moving along at a moderate place, but far from being the finished article. That is the anger control, by the way!

I have taken some important steps to improve myself and it is working out okay. I am not going to be too critical of myself, just keep trying and trying.

Anyway, enough of the bloody bullshit! How is everyone's week been going? I have had a fairly good one, but at times, it seemed like it was going slow and here we are now close to another weekend. I have had a good week and have done quite a bit of relaxing, albeit with very little sleep. I don't know how to sleep anymore. Just learnt that when it happens, it happens.

Don't really have any plans for the weekend, but am going to be busy doing something, that is for sure. Don't really feel like blogging much right now either. Looking forward to going to the gym for a run tonight and then a few drinks after with Dave. Where, I have no idea, but somewhere in Samsung Plaza.

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