Over the last few weeks, there have been a lot of people talking about pregnancy and having children and also about how to raise children.... some of the teachers at my school.
Marilyn who sits next to me in school has a 20 month old boy and she was asking me what to do about him yelling everytime they are out in public. She was genuinely asking me what to do. I just told her not to allow it and find a way to stop it, either by instant punishing or taking something away that he will not like.
Either way, I told her that each child is different and not to be the constant 'smacker' that Korean parents have a habit of doing. After being smacked so much the child becomes desensitized to the whole act, anyway. As I told Marilyn, which was passed on to me by my Mum and Dad; there is no manual that tells you how to raise a child!
I look in the mirror sometimes and wonder what happened to that goofy, young kid that used to look back at me. Well, the goofy kid is still there, but the image has become an older man!!!! Doesn't looking older suck sometimes? I think everyone suffers with it, I am just trying to get a hold on it.
I remember when I was 30, I felt the same way, so why the constant harrowing of myself? Maybe it's because I am shallow and that beauty and the world's opinion about it, eats my whole being everyday. I want to get out of the grasps of that mentality, but it sure is hard, especially in Korea with the constant 'age' thing popping up.
Most of the time though I don't give a shite, but I am human at times..... don't laugh now!!! If I had any of those things left... what are they called?
Fee.lllll.....iiii....nnn....ggs, oh feelings! Yeah, I know that people would be hurting them or trying to hurt them. I don't have any of them that can be hurt anymore, so I am safe!!!!!!!!! Just joking of course.... always wear my heart on my sleeve, as my good friends know.
Another classic pic and one of my favourites! I love the way some people think. Humour is such a gift to have in life and helps you get through so much shite sometimes.
Back to the good old fasting for me again. Except this time, I am only drinking water. It is going to be a real deal fast this time. I have gone 24 hours right now as I am typing and don't feel the slightest bit hungry. I also ran 7kms at the gym last night in 50 minutes, which is a new record for me over the last year or so.
How is it that I don't feel hungry? I am telling you, we all eat way too much and don't give our systems any chance to clear out. I am bound and determined to last as long as I can, but in a healthy way. If I start to feel weak or dizzy or have any negative effects, I will stop right away, so don't worry!!! I will keep you posted on how I am feeling and of course will tell you how many hours and how long everyday..... hehehe.
The cold weather has finally arrived and it is beginning to become coat weather. I am not wearing a coat yet and will hold off as long as I can.
I will still go to the sauna for the next 2 or 3 days, but will not workout due to my fasting. I am not a total idiot, you know!!!!!!!
The essays are all done and now I have to write 70 more comments.... the same ones that I just finished about 3 weeks ago.... total overkill that is for sure. The next essays go out next week too!!!! That means we will have essays to do again in two weeks.
We also have the speaking tests on Monday and Tuesday and have to mark essays for the Korean teachers again. There is never anytime to rest, that is for sure. I am looking at things positively though and am not going to bitch about it anymore, just state what is going on and not necessarily how it makes me feel....... let's see if that is possible?

My sister has a good friend, Allison who is pregnant. Allison is originally from Birmingham although most of her accent is gone now. Anyway, she got married a few years back and her and her husband, Scott, had been trying to have a baby for a while. She got pregnant, but my sister tells me she is petrified about the whole giving birth thing. Maybe she should have done what the woman above did!!!!
My sister said she was at the hospital waiting to get a check-up and she heard all the woman groaning and such and has also been to the pre-birth classes. She said at the time that she was at the hospital, " I have changed my mind now, I don't want to do this anymore," to her husband. Really funny when you think about it. She is due in the middle of November, so good luck with everything and I hope Mum to be and child enjoy the whole experience........ haha.
I have known Allison for quite a few years too since she met our Jackie. She is a great girl and her husband, Scott, is a sound fella too.
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