I had a nice sleep in today. Didn't get up until 2pm. Mind due, didn't get to bed until 3am. Also, it is the usual, wake up every 2 hours or so and then go back to sleep.
I actually met the milkman when I opened the door to check if my milk was there at 5am...... he almost shit himself like I did, as he was going to put the milk in the bag as I opened the door. He got a nice shot of me in my underpants too...... scary for him probably!!!!!!!
I have been getting Danish low-fat milk delivered to the house on Mon, Wed and Friday for the last 8 months or so. It usually comes around 4am, but today was the first time that I had ever seen it getting delivered. There is a little bag wrapped around the gas meter right outside the door that the fella puts the milk in.
If I don't want milk for some reason, I just take the bag of the meter and put it inside the house. I get billed once a month for the milk and it is usually around the 28 dollar range, which is for 3 normal pints of milk, 3 times a week for the month.

Milk is a lot more expensive here than in Canada, that is for sure and not half as good tasting either.
When I got up today, I was thinking what I was going to wear to my friends wedding in two weeks. I don't have a suit so I have to settle for a nice pair of dress pants and a nice shirt and tie.
I had a brand new pair of dress pants that I bought 6 months ago, but couldn' t wear them as they were too tight! Well the good news is that this afternoon, I tried them on and they fit with a little room to spare. I was so happy and it actually made me realize that I have lost weight without even knowing it.... well sort of.

The tag is still on the pants too! So that means I have a nice pair of pants to wear. I have dress shoes, so now I have to see if I can buy a nice dress shirt to wear. I think I will be alright as there are shirts here that fit me okay. Good news for my motivation to go to the gym and keep going!!!!!!!!!!!
I will be going to the gym of course after work tonight with a little bit more motivation than before. I have been staying at the same weight, about 218 for the last month or so, but I guess I have been losing inches, which I didn't realize. I want to keep going and my long term goal is to lose another 10lbs and about 2 or 3 more inches in the waist and chest and back.
I will do it if I keep doing what I am doing now. I think a big key is not eating later after I get off work, which is after 10pm. I wake up a little hungry, but am getting used to the feeling now.
I don't want to get too carried away, but am doing it for my health and that alone. I quit smoking 15 months ago and this is the second thing that I want to do in my life; eat healthy and exercise consistently. Plus, I am going to the sauna everyday.
Even when I come back to Canada on holiday, I will pay the daily rate at whatever gym and still work out as much as I can. I will have a lot of free-time, so why not!!!!!!!
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