Here I am at 2.44a.m. wide awake and not even the slightest bit close to being able to sleep. What gives with that? I have tried everything..... hot milk.... no exercise.....being drunk. Even that is a joke. I can be wrecked out of my mind and still wake up every two hours or so..... I just don't get it!!!!!
I guess I should go with it as they say? There is not much I can do. I even put on some of that relaxing music that is supposed to help you sleep.... got it off the internet... didn't do shit! It is funny because I am not even thinking about anything to keep me awake.
It is not like I have much to worry about these days except the three most important people in my life; me, myself and I.
As Dad always says, "Must be nice to have only yourself to worry about, you selfish bastard!"

So does anyone have any ideas other than a sledgehammer or sleeping pills, which don't interest me at all?
Wayne, the head teacher or should I say head supervisor now as he has been promoted, gave me some pills and said they were really strong and would knock me out. I took them and they didn't do jack shit. I felt a little groggy, but that was it. He laughed at me and told me that I must be mental or something. That was about 4 months ago and I was not interested in taking anything else like it.
I think they are going to show the England vs Holland game at 4am, so maybe I will be awake to watch it.
I just went for a walk downstairs to the store in my apartment building and bought some cereal and milk. I am going to have a bowl of it and see if it makes me groggy. I don't have to much to worry about though, as I don't start work until 3pm, so I can still catch some sleep in the early hours and recuperate enough for work.
I am listening to a cd mp3 torrent that I made. It has 20 albums from the U.K on it from someone that posted it on a torrent site. Listening to Madonna right now; Confessions. I was listening to the Pussycat Dolls before and another fella that I have never heard of; Orson. Fatboy Slim just came on.

Meet Tony the Mormon from my school. He is such a happy guy all of the time. This is just a funny picture with him pulling faces. He has been a lot of places as a missionary with his family and church.
He really is deeply religious and Wayne is always poking fun at him with some really funny questions and quotes like saying, "Hey Tony, you can't lie remember, so tell the truth."
Tony is a really good sport about it and is one of the nicest fellas that I have met. He is always in a good mood and always enters the office with the nicest greeting you will ever hear in your life. Nicer than the other teachers who most of the time don't even let on they are there until you see them. American style, I guess!!!!!!!
He is an interesting guy to talk to and he just turned 30... doesn't look it eh? Anyway, I wanted to give Tony a shoutout on my blog as he deserves it for just being a good overall human being. Those Mormons have some really weird beliefs though.... kind of spooky at times, but Tony is cool by my books.
Tonight is supposed to be the coldest night of the year so far according to Dave. He told me today that it is always associated with the day that the middle-school kids write their exam to get into a good high-school. Probably because it is November 16th, don't you think!!!!!!!!
Lots of kids will be busy tomorrow and most of the middle-schools are off because of the oth kids in third year writing the exam. Middle-school has 3 years and then they have another 3 years in high-school.
The school year is really different from Canada and America and the United Kingdom. The Korean school year starts in late February or early March. They have Christmas holidays then they go back for about 3 or 4 weeks and are then finished the year. They get 4 weeks starting the end of December and go back the end of January. They also get 4 weeks in the summer.
Most of the students go to other classes during the vacation time. They go to math, science, music, art school and another school that is called all subjects, which in Korean is "Ipsi Haegwon." Haegwon means school really in English, although the literal translation means academy or institute.
Anyway, the poor bastards don't get much of a break. Remember too they have Saturday school when they are in regular school too!!!! They just started getting every second Saturday off last year. Before they got that, they went to school every Saturday for on average about 4 hours..... wouldn't that suck!!!!!!!!
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