I was in a taxi, which by the way happens at least once a day and sometimes 2 or 3 due to my time constraints and being a "Gypsy" and I began to notice immediately that the driver was awful. His breaking was woeful and he was riding the acclerator and break equally with power.
I got talking to him in Korean and he spoke a tiny bit of English. Of course the first question he asked me was how old I was. It gets on my nerves, but I succumbed as usual and told him. He told me he was 71!!!! Yes, that is right, 71!!!! No wonder he was a bad driver. Not that old age necessarily makes you any worse of a driver, but I am sure his reactions are not top end anymore.
My Dad says that dozy old people are just normal people who have always been dozy and now just got older...... haha!!!!! This guy might have suited that bill, that is for sure.
Well, I asked him why he was still working at that age and he answered back with a full laugh that he had no money! I laughed at that, but at the same time thought to myself it was a little sad to be in that predicament at his age. Maybe he doesn't have enough money to do other things that he wants. I think he had money, maybe just not enough! His taxi was very nice and very new and the taxi drivers here usually all own their own taxis.
Speaking tests are over today and we are back to normal teaching. I am looking forward to teaching today, but not the 4 classes straight without breaks. I only have about 10 weeks to go now before I finish, so I can hack it no problem.
I went to the gym last night. Ran 5km in 30 minutes and enjoyed it immensely. Didn't have a sauna though, which is unusual in itself, but I was too hot...........
Jacket weather is here. Today is the first day that I have wore a jacket. It is still a little nippy at night, but not cold inside the apartment. The heat is not on and I think it will be a while before I get round to that. I will hold off as long as I can..... believe me.
A friend from Ulsan, Troy who is one of the original fellas that was here in Korea back in 2000, is getting married on Sunday, December 3rd. Dave and I will be going of course. We will be leaving late Saturday evening and then probably come back late Sunday night. I am looking forward to seeing the wedding and seeing Gareth and Tony down in Ulsan.
Troy owns a bar in Ulsan called "Benchwarmers." He is a workaholic, but likes it that way. I have known his girlfriend just as long as I have known Troy, well almost because Troy introduced us to her when we first got here. Her name is Sharon and she is a really nice girl. Congratulations that he finally convinced her to say yes..... haha. She is Korean too, by the way.
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