Wednesday, November 08, 2006

48 Hours And Still Going Strong......... Well, Somewhat!!!!!

I am 48 hours into the fast and everything is going fine. I had a cup of tea this morning at a friend's house, but other than that, just water has entered my gut.

I actually went to the gym last night and did a workout for about 15 minutes and then ran 2km really fast.

I was not planning on running or doing anything, but could not resist once I was there. I had a great sauna and the cold bath last night was extremely cold, which was nice to cool off in once you came out of the sauna.

These fellas look like how I have felt for the last few weeks..... .fat fat fat!!!!!! Sumo wrestlers emobody physical perfection, don't you think? Well, not quite.

Did you know that to become a Sumo wrestler, you have to be able to do the full splits? Well, you do and everyone of them, although fat and generally obese, are actually very good athletes in their sport. I don't think they could run 100 metres though!

I still cannot believe that I am not hungry! I have had a few hunger pains in the last few hours, but they are the first ones since I started. The only thing that I have found a little tough are the smells! All the restaurants and the school have nice smells that make the nasal passages want to eat.

I have taught myself to just enjoy the smell and tell the brain that it doesn't want it. It is going quite well, like I said, but I don't know how long I will last now. I have no actual goal, just want to see how things go.

Once I have passed the 50 hours mark, which is in 2 hours, I will re-evaluate if I want to remain on the fast or not. I can't eat until 6.40pm anyway, as that is the class that I have a 10 minute break until the next one at 6.50pm.

Can you believe that Man U lost to Southend!!!! It was so good to see one of the minnows destroy a giant like them. Just wouldn't have felt the same way if a team did that to Liverpool. We play Birmingham tonight, so that had better not happen.

Southend are also at the bottom of the League Championship and haven't been in good form at all lately. I watched the last 20 minutes on tv here at 5am in the morning and I was hoping that they would win.... I was willing them to win on the edge of my bed.

Here is the giant killer himself; Freddy Eastwood who scored a wonderful free-kick that the goalkeeper had no chance to save. He must be on top of the moon right now. He is a Man U supporter to boot, which makes it even more special for him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul
be careful with this fasting that you are doing especially when you go to the gym, still worry about you!! What about Man United hope it does'nt happen to Liverpool.Love you and miss you.Mum oxoxox